PC based transducer development board

Model ETK0002
The system must have various sensor like Temp Sensors (LM35 , PT100) ,Proximity switches, LDR (LM 324 & LDR) & IR Sensors (with transmitter receiver with Encoder/decoder) , proximity switches ( Inductive / capacitive ) , photo electric sensors , With signal conditioning and other required circuitary
With PC Interface thru USB Bus with data acquisition system
Having 8 channel 12-Bit Analog Inputs , 2 analog outputs
20 Digital Input output lines with 2 no of relays. Complete Software Control Must support Labview software, along with Drivers with experimental user manual with example codes for the above mentioned sensors. on board 8 digital output (LED’s) & with on board 8 digital input (8 pin dip switch) on board buzzer for indication. Facility for external signal interface , with Potentiometer , PGA with Gains of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, or 20 V/V Up to 8 kSamples/Sec (Burst) or 1.2 kSamples/Second (Stream)
Supports Software or Hardware Timed Acquisition
2 Analog Outputs ,20 Digital I/O (Up to 50 Hz per I/O)
32-Bit Counter , with Watchdog Timer Function
USB 2.0/1.1 Low Speed Interface.